To lessen the blow of work on myself, like a lot of my fellow students, I've opted to continue off of my original Sonic Snapshot project and turn it into this Imaginary Sound Walk project. My original project was recreation of a park and it was a pretty layered ordeal. It has low rumbles of traffic, wind blowing through the trees, tennis players servin' and swearin', an old Jalopy barely starting and making it down the street and some awesome geese! There were others, but that gets the basics out of the way. What I wanted to do from here was leave this space behind, walk past a very busy street (Oklahoma Avenue if anyone is familiar with it) around the time when everyone is going home from work and walk to my house. There won't be too much going on here, but I thought the sound of heavy traffic could be a nice transitional piece. This will be a very naturalistic space. Won't be as layered as the park, but it'll be a nice, calm movement before we get to my final space. My plan is to try to record this a little later when I did my park recordings, which was around 4pm. I want these to be close to sundown so that way when I get to my third space, it's night. I want a shift in time... I hope.
Before I move on to my final space, I should probably list out some sounds...
Background: General atmosphere, wind in trees, possibly birds chirping, sound of traffic as if moves from background to middleground.
Middleground: Bus passing by on opposite side of street, People walking dogs, people chatting as they walk by, Sound of traffic as it moves from middleground to foreground
Foreground: Sound of traffic, heavy bass of ghetto cruisers passing by, occasional car passing on side streets.
This is to name a few off the top of my head.
From this point on, I'll get to my house. This is where I'll have a lot of fun sounds to play with. I'll open the hideaway key box which makes a cool sound, grab the key which is metal and metal, and unlock the door. Once inside, I'll take off my shoes and head up the creaky steps. Mom will more than likely be cooking and have one of her Michael McDonald singing Motown CDs (ughh...). Dad will more than likely be doing his tube feedings which is a very unique sound process in it's own right, and if he coughs... well, that's quite a sound considering he coughs through a hole in his neck now. From that point on I'll take the trash bag from the bin, take it outside again, outback and drop it into the trashcan. Thus concludes my recordings.
Background: General atmosphere, buzzing of the fridge, sound of mom cooking going from background the middleground, mom's CD going from background to middleground. TV being on. Crickets chirping outside
Middleground: Sound of mom cooking, mom's CD, Dad's feeding tube.
Foreground: Sizzle of meat, Mom talking to me, grabbing hideaway key, creaky stairs, door opening, getting garbage bag from bin, throwing bag into garbage can.
This is just to name a few sounds I could think of
If there was time, I was thinking of adding in an extra little twist at the end where after I emptied the trash, I'd hear a strange whirring sound (keep in mind, all of these sounds would be recorded by myself) and we'd hear what sounds like an Alien UFO. It would land (still doing all the recordings myself using hydraulics and power tools I have in basement and some metal instruments), the walk way would open and I'd go inside. In there I'd complete fabricate the space using whirring sounds for machines, broken wind chimes and some old toys that beep. This part I'd have to really plan out, but I thought it would be a fun way to end the piece, but if all else fails, I have a strong piece in which I can really build upon my sound scape regardless.