Monday, October 10, 2011

Sonic Snapshot Idea!

I really racked my brain on trying to think of an idea for my Sonic Snapshot project. Especially one that I could record in my area. Sounds that, I feel, define where I live and I believe I've narrowed it down to two...

Recreate the sounds of a park.
Foreground Sounds: Geese squawking, people fishing, birds chirping,

Middleground Sounds: Wind blowing through the trees, People talking as they walk past, bikes riding past, bugs making noise, squirrels rustling through trees

Background Sounds: The low rumble of traffic, kids playing on nearby playground

Recreate the woods by the train tracks.
Foreground: Birds chirping, Trains passing, bugs making noise, twigs snapping

Middleground: Wind blowing through trees, sound of people walking through trails, squirrels in trees

Background: Rumble of cars in the distance, kids playing at nearby houses

These are my ideas. I feel like I'm going to go with the park idea, but I felt i should post both ideas.

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